Servings Per Package for Food Labeling - Single and Varied Servings
There are many nuances to nutrition labels, many of which we cover in our nutrition label software, but of course there are some we don't cover.
Serving Size Options
A couple that our customers brought up and asked for over time had to do with the serving size. One is having the option to list "Servings Per Container: Varied" rather than having a specific number of servings. The other is not listing that statement at all for single serving packages.
Varied Serving Size and Single Serving Packages
Both are fairly simple to implement. Varied servings is a pretty nuanced change to the nutrition label that most people don't actually understand and many put it in incorrectly. That was one of the hesitancies of including it as a label option, but we trust that our users will read the notes and use it wisely.
For single serving containers, as long as the suggested serving is listed as "1 package" or "1 container", then the "Servings Per Container: ..." line doesn't need to be included. Of course, it's only an option for packages that have 1 serving in them. So that was kind of a no-brainer to add.
Using These Options
If you want use any of these features they're in the Recipe Label menu on the left, under Label Styles, as you can see below.

Serving size options for nutrition labels - varied servings and single serving.
These are just a couple little features we've been working on to make our labels as powerful and flexible as possible. Have your own ideas or suggestions? Let us know in the comments below or leave us a note via chat.