Nutrition Breakdown for Subrecipes
If you’ve been using ReciPal for a while you probably noticed its fresh look! We’ve updated the design of the Recipe pages to create a cleaner, more mobile-friendly experience. While it may take a little getting used to, these changes help create a more accessible and flexible platform. And if you get stuck we've got updated video tutorials for the Dashboard, Recipe, Ingredient Statement, and Label pages.
With these updates come functionality enhancements as well. Subrecipes are a powerful tool that allow you to take a recipe and turn it into an ingredient that can be used in other recipes. However, previously subrecipes provided a limited view into the nutrition breakdown.
Subrecipe Nutrition Breakdown
Now within the nutrition breakdown you are able to expand the view of subrecipes to see the contribution of individual ingredients per 100 grams. Just click the + symbol next to the subrecipe recipe name.

This is a small but powerful change that makes it easy for you to get the data you need from your recipes.
As we continue to develop ReciPal, we love hearing from users. Your feedback informs our design and prioritization of features. And even after features are launched we continue to listen and refine to make sure they're helping you reach your goals. So if you've got feedback, suggestions, or just something on your wish list - let us know!